It's a beautiful day here in Livorno. It's very spring-like and I love it! Everything is going well. I feel like there's so much to do and we are doing our best to fit it all in. I'm pretty sure I'm being stretched and hopefully with all this stretching and reaching the Lord is turning me into something better. Otherwise, I'm not sure if the discomfort of being streched would be worth it, but I know it is. Yesterday we had our interviews with President and he asked me how training was going, how the work was going, etc. And when I told him that I thought that I'd gotten out of training he said, that's just not what the Lord wanted. So, its a bit intimidating but comforting knowing that it's really what the Lord wants. I knew it before, but its always nice to hear.
Sunday I had a talk and my companion and I did a musical number. The talk was fine and the musical number was pretty good. She was really really nervous, and I was just nervous. But all in all it was fine. We sang a really pretty arrangement of "Did you think to pray?" I like it. I think it was the 4th or 5th time I've done it in the mission.
Our investigators are doing well. Fiorella is doing good. She says she's not sure about the 5th of march, but that she thinks still in March. She just wants to feel sure about her baptisimal date. I guess that's reasonable, I just wish I knew what date it would be so we could plan and prepare.
Josy and Veronica are wonderful. Veronica just takes every new principle we teach her and just has so much faith. We had a lesson yesterday where we were teaching her about following the prophet. At the end we invited her to pray about Thomas S. Monson to know if he was truly a prophet today. She said she would do it, but then when she was saying the closing prayer she said something like "we thank thee for a prophet today who guides us in these troubled times..." I really really hope that she won't have to wait too much longer for permission from her parents. We talked to her mom and asked her if they wanted to hear the things that we were teaching Veronica, and she jsut said, "oh, well she comes home and tells us everything anyway." We were like, "oh, okay. Well, if you have any questions let us know." I would really love to teach her whole family. They are just beautiful!
Today for Pday we're going to learn how to make Tiramisu. It's going to be so so so yummy. I'm having to limit myself to one treat a day because we were just going crazy there for a while with birthdays and holidays and parties, etc. For example, Saturday was an activity for the primary. It was a great activity and there were lots of kids and their friends and families. Some of the kids even came to church on Sunday because they like the activity so much. But there was a TON of sweets and candy and all sorts of evil things and it's just too yummy.... oh well. You just live once, right?
Okay, well, i'm gonna go so I can send you a picture of me and my new comp. I brought my camera today, but not the cord so I have to see if my companions will work. Keep your fingers crossed. If you don't get them today though, then you'll just have to wait until next week.
Remember how much I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week, full of serving and doing good things!!!!
Vi voglio un mondo di bene!!!!
Sorella Leckie
After FHE one night at Annalisa and Massimo Noè's house.