Ciao tutti!!!
Come va???? I can't believe that this is my last p-day in the MTC. It's bittersweet really. I've come to love my district and companion so much that it will really be sad to say bye. Everyone got their travel plans last Friday so that was pretty exciting. Even though we are on two different flights all of us will be leaving from SLC around 7:30 Tuesday morning and going to Chicago where we will be for about 5 hours. The people going to milan will be there for about 3 hours so we have a little more time to say bye. I do think I'll be able to call while I'm in Chicago. I have a calling card and I'm just planning to call mom's cell phone. If there's a problem with this or any complaints you better send me a letter this week :) I'm excitedly terrified to leave the relative security of the MTC. I feel like I just don't know Italian well enough to go and actually teach people.
Yesterday in our last TRC (where we go and practice teaching a lesson to someone in Italian) it was very frustrating becauce our "investigator" asked a question that first of all was impossible to understand in Italian- and second of all- once I did figure out what his question was I'm not even sure if I could answer it in English. Mama mia! We recovered the lesson, but it was a bit dissatisfying to not leave feeling that we had answered his question. But, alas, it was probably a good experience for me to realize that not everyone in Italy is going to know all the answers to the questions :).
I'm jealous when I hear about the fire in the fireplace and going camping. Lately the weather here has been absolutely perfect for going camping and I really just want to go up the canyon and have a bonfire. It's painful when we walk back to our residence hall and I think about all the fun bonfires I had and how perfect it would be up there right now... *sigh*... but right now I get to get ready to go to Italy... and what could be better than that?!? I do have a feeling that Thanksgiving will be a little different there than here... oh wait a minute... I'm actually pretty positive that it will be non-existant. But, I'm sure I'll have some good Italian food to make up for the turkey and dressing. :)
I do have some sad news... At gym the other day I lost my watch and CTR ring. I put it on the bleachers like I always do and then when it was time to go it wasn't there anymore. I suspect that someone just picked it up accidentally but they haven't turned it in to lost and found yet. Believe me- I've checked... and checked... and checked. One of the anziani has been nice enough to let me steal his watch for a few days, but my teacher is going to go to walmart to pick up one for me because at the bookstore they're all $40+. I think I will buy a new CTR ring though... I just feel naked without it, but it's so sad because I've had that one for so long. Oh well... life goes on.
It's kind of funny how the elders in my district don't seem to trust the sisters anymore... we have played a few too many tricks on them... but they seem to like it even if they pretend not to :) We haven't done anything bad... just little things like move they're stuff around when no one else is in the room... really harmless. I don't like mean pranks so we don't do any of that.
Today is my last temple day for a year and a half. I'm really sad. I've come to love going to the temple and will miss not being able to. We've all decided to go back when the Rome temple is dedicated- that's a good excuse, right? Anyhow...
I guess I'm gonna sign out now. This week, I know, will fly by. I'm excited for the chance to go to Italy and for the chance to help people come unto Christ. Our teacher was sharing some stories about her mission, and it just reminded all of us that there are people in Italy waiting to hear the gospel. Thanks for the letters and prayers.
Vi voglio piu bene!!!
Sorella Leckie