So, me being the smarty pants that I am forgot to tell you on Christmas that P-day would be Tuesday this week. But, I don't really have too much to add. I do know now, though, that I will be staying in Livorno with Sorella Gambardella until she goes home. Wish us luck. Some days are much better than others, but apparently it's not exactly a pretty prospect for her to go home so she's not happy about it. Pretty controlling parents and not good situations, etc. Anyhow, when she asked President if she could extend the mission he told her no and that she needs to face it. We'll see how things are in a few week when the inevitable is closer. Pray LOTS!
It was an absolutely wonderful Christmas for me. We got to watch "Up", the new Disney/Pixar movie and I absolutely loved it. It was so ridiculously off the wall, but so fun.
We're looking forward tonight to an appointment with Veronica and Josy. Veronica has come to church a few times now which is great and she loves learning about the gospel. Happy days!!
It's a little rough sometimes because some members and investigators don't really trust my companion very much, and she isn't always very tactful so some relationships are kind of strained, but hopefully they can have patience with us as we are trying to go forward in the work.
Today for Pday we're going to go Ice skating... should be fun. The ice skating rink is temporary in a piazza and very small, but fun.
I'm going to go now so I can hopefully add a few pictures today. I haven't really taken lots because my comp takes tons, so I'll get some from her to send to you someday :)
Love you all and hope you have a very very happy new years!
Con tanto tanto tanto, ma tanto amore-
Sorella Leckie
p.s. people here think its kind of strange when I tell them we burn our christmas tree... oh well.
The sunset. I think I was on the phone with Crystal when i took this one.