Heavy Week
What sobering news to get. I have to relay a little bit to you about how I received this news and how ashamedly thankful I was to hear that my immediate family is safe, but how terribly sorry I am for the Gunter family, most especially Levin.
President called me on Sunday afternoon and asked me if we were busy and I told him we were on the bus. He asked if we were headed to an appointment and when I told him yes, he said to give him a call when I got home that evening. Immediately there was a knot in my stomach. Knowing that there are very few reasons that president would call, and even fewer reasons that he couldn't just tell us at the moment really got my mind spinning and my stomach turning. The hours until I could call seemed to crawl, but in those two hours I was just thinking and pondering.
Knowing that I've been informed of other deaths via email in the past made me realize that for him to call it would have to be serious... very serious. My mind just kept going over what my reaction would be to any news that I received and just HOW willing am I to accept the will of the Lord? How important is it to me to be a missionary? Is what I'm doing here more important than spending valuable time with my family? Am I using my time here in a way that would make it worthwhile to be away from my family? If there were a death in my family, would that affect how I spent my days here in the mission? Would it make them more valuable? On and on... the thoughts just kept coming, but with a somewhat deeper significance and perspective. I'm somewhat embarassed to say that I felt somewhat relieved when I heard the news, but the knowledge that my parents, brothers, sisters, inlaws, and neices and nephews being safe and healthy is una bella notizia. But, oh, at this moment, how my heart aches for Levin, Ansley, and for all of Amanda's family and friends. For those left here on this earth to adjust and carry on. How completely thankful I am to know about the plan of salvation, and know that they can be together again. It truly makes what we do here as missionaries much more significant. To be able to help someone understand that they can endure their trials and go forward with faith knowing that Heavenly Father created a perfect plan and that when we do our part to have faith in him we truly can trust that the promises of the Lord will be fulfilled.
Aside from these moments of reflection, missionary life continues as normal. Michael is on track to be baptized. We're still helping him and he wants it so much. He really does have such a strong testimony. I'll report next week about the baptism. Josy continues to learn and progress we're just waiting... and praying... patiently for her parents to consent.
We were fortunate today to be able to go to the Chinque Terre in La Spezia. How amazingly beautiful is this world that was created just for us. Enjoy the pictures.
I hope that all goes well this week and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as you go about each day. Know that I love you so much!!
Sorella Leckie
This is the coast line from the Terazza. It's one of my favorite places to be in Livorno.

These are actually in Livorno. One is one of the canals that lead out to the ocean... It's pretty much just a parking lot for boats.
This is part of the Chinque Terre. It is absoultely beautiful!
This is as close as I'll get to laying out on the beach while I'm in the mission.
Sorella Cheeseman next to the BEAUTIFUL water. I think she was contemplating jumping in. She didn't deny it. ; )
We went on a pretty pretty hike. Lots of stairs and rocks. I thought I was going to quit right there on the trail a couple of times, but I made it. It was just absolutely breathtaking.