Buon La Befana
So, today is a holiday here in Italy. Makes it a little tricky to do our grocery shopping when all the stores are closed, but at least the internet point was open. School starts back tomorrow, so today is the last day of the holidays here.
The "Befana" is like a witch who brings stuff and puts it in a stocking. Santa Clause comes the 25th and leaves things under the tree and the Befana comes the 6th of January and if you've been good brings a stocking full of treats, or coal if you're bad. Overall it just spreads out christmas a little bit more. Anywho, It's been a pretty okay week. We had some really good appointments with some of our investigators and we hope and pray they will continue to progress. The elders have an investigator who will be baptized this month, so hopefully that will help encourage a few others to "take the plunge" :)
Sunday was really great. I played the piano for Primary, translated for Sunday School, and then played the organ for Sac. meeting. Makes church go by so fast... a little too fast, really. But it's nice to feel needed, too. We had a wonderful fast and testimony meeting, and the spirit was really strong. Unfortunately with the holidays some of our "regular" investigators weren't able to make it, but I really wish they had. It was a good meeting.
Other than that, don't really have too much else to say. Some days are hi, others are low and I just have to figure out how to deal with it all :). We will have Zone Conf. on Monday so I'm looking forward to that and the boost that comes from being a little more spiritually uplifited.
I'm gonna go now so I can hopefully get you a few pictures. There aren't really that many, but I'll send what I can.
Love you all!! Hope you have had a great beginning of a new year and that the year goes well!
Con tanto affetto,
Sorella Leckie
Me and my loot from Christmas... there was a TON. Thankfully I've given most of it away now and it's not there to tempt me. :)

The primary with Babo Natale
Me, Irene, and Slla Gambardella. Iceskating!! Che fun!
Josy, Slla Gambardella, Veronica, Antonio( Veronica's brother) and me. I love them so much!!!
Us with the Eubanks on Christmas